The Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security Programme

The Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security Programme
The third work meeting for exchange of practices with the partner MPENERGI AS, Kingdom of Norway, was held on 10 April and 11 April 2021, thus implementing activity 7 “Exchange of experience, knowledge and good practices between Lovech Municipality and MPENERGI AS” on the “Energy Efficient Modernization of the Urban Outdoor Lighting Systems of the City of Lovech and Village of Doyrentsi” project, grant greement No. BGENERGY-2.001-0101-007 dated 14 Mar 2021.
On 10.04.2023, in the BTA hall in the town of Lovech, a final press conference will be held on the project "Energy-efficient modernization of the settlement systems for outdoor artificial lighting in the town of Lovech. Lovech and the village of Doirentsi", Procedure No. BGENERGY-2.001 - "Rehabilitation and modernization of municipal infrastructure - systems for external artificial lighting of municipalities", Program "Renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy security", financed under the FM of the EEA 2014-2021 d. The project has a total value of BGN 1,172,503.20 - 100% of the BFP.
On 12.09.2022 in the Ministry of Energy the Mayor of Lovech Municipality, Kornelia Marinova, and the Deputy Minister of Energy, Iva Petrova, signed an annex to the Grant Agreement for the project "Energy Efficient Modernization of the Public Outdoor Artificial Lighting Systems of the City of Lovech and Village of Doyrentsi, Municipality of Lovech " under the Programme "Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Energy Security", financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. The Annex extends the term of the Agreement from 18 to 25 months in order to ensure the successful completion of the activities under the programme, part of which is the project of the Lovech Municipality to replace the lighting fixtures and build a photovoltaic system for the production of electricity for own needs. The Minister of Energy, Rosen Hristov, was also present at the meeting.
The modernization of the street lighting in the town of Lovech is carried out within the framework of the "Energy Efficient Modernization of the Urban Outdoor Lighting Systems of the City of Lovech and Village of Doyrentsi” project, which is carried out under the Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security Programme (RЕЕЕЕС Programme), financed under the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 ( EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021). The project aims to increase energy efficiency through technological renewal and modernization of outdoor artificial lighting systems in the city of Lovech and the village of Doirentsi, and to improve the living conditions of the population.